Your Next Level

Let me ask you,what is your next level.Many will tell you there plan some will not cause they don't have a plan for their future.A saying thus says that he who does not paln to succeed plan to fail,what does that mean to you.The way you make your bed is how you lye on it.Ir as simple as A,B,C.
I know we all have good plans,anyway,your next level is not far from you.If only you have faith and believe in God,One vers in the bible thus days,ask it shall be given,knock the door shall open,seek and you will find.
This is simply to tell us that everything we want is at our disposal,that is why we all need not to worry.
I always advice,that it always good to learn broad.Learning things that will add values to your life and bring light in you.Update yourself in areas of life that are necessary like The bible,financial books like business news paper,magazines etc.In school we need to learn and understand that is another avenue of updating the mind.
When you fail to learn the mind will be in the dack.

 There are other ways of learning,they are:
News:When you keep yourself update,you will surely know the things happening around you. 

Books: Your text books is a must if you are still a student,it keeps your mind at peace and help you understand before your teacher teaches you anything.

Bible or Curran: A must,as a Christian or Muslim, you are not keep to studying the world of God.You are missing a lot.When you read the world of God often you learn and understand the real truth that will help elongate your life sperm here on earth.It will make you over come fear.And lot of good thing will come your way,Etc.